What breed is suitable for beginners?

21.08.2023 15:00

How to choose a breed?
Like a man, like a dog. But how to choose the right dog that fits you exactly? And where to find it? We will advise on the ideal breed of dog for beginners and what to look out for when buying.

Genetics only affects something
Sometimes you just open a dog atlas. Sometimes you meet the canine love of your life in the park and sometimes you search for a long time and can't decide. At the outset, it should be noted that each breed has certain temperamental predispositions, but a large part of what kind of dog it will be is made up of the upbringing and training you give it. Even a Bernese mountain dog can be a great defender and watchdog.

You have to know what you want
First you have to realize what you expect and want from the dog . Feel free to write it down on paper. Do you want to go to the mountains? Or are you looking for a companion on the couch who can last long hours at home alone? Maybe you want to change something in your life and start moving more, so you want to try some dog sports. It is important to realize if you want a partner for a family with children (and if you want a puppy for a small child or the children are already older), what experience you have and time options. If you work more than 10 hours a day, you probably won't feel like combing the fur of a high-maintenance breed for several hours a week...

The perfect dog for beginners
There are breeds that are so friendly and understanding that they are suitable even for dog walkers with minimal experience. These include, for example, a golden retriever, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, a Yorkshire terrier, a poodle (although the latter requires regular coat maintenance) or a Bichon.

According to the latest research, smaller dogs have a more trainable brain if you want to jump into training and training. But larger breeds are more balanced.

A few breed tips
In general, it can be said that shepherd breeds love to work and need keep your head busy. As well as the most intelligent collies, with whom it is important to do something (like herding sheep) so that they do not try to come up with stupid things. Hunting breeds (including the popular Weimaraner) are not happy being cooped up at home for x hours, and when they are out, their natural hunting instinct often forces them to chase whatever they can. The latest research shows that all terriers are stubborn and stubborn, and more suspicious of people and may not trust them 100%, like other breeds.

Bull dogs
Terriers include the American Staffordshire terrier and the Staffordshire bull terrier. Although they are bred for their boundless love for people, this often means that they are not so friendly with other dogs or potential "pack breakers", so you need to be able to work with them on socialization and communication between dogs (so that you don't have a problem walk around the fence with the neighbor's dog). For that reason, greater self-discipline and consistency are required.

Tip: If you are looking for a great treat to start with, take a look ours. In addition to its beautiful design, its front pocket is leak-proof and fits perfectly on the body, so treats do not fall out. they are not at all suitable for inexperienced dog walkers. Such as Saarlos wolfdog or Czechoslovakian wolfdog, Rottweiler, Caucasian, Cane Corso or Akita inu. These are breeds with very specific genetic predispositions and a complex nature , so they require a great deal of empathy and a willingness to work with them from their owners. If you are attracted to these breeds, try to talk about them with their breeders first.

A dog with pp versus one without
Whatever breed you decide on, try first find breeding stations in the Czech Republic and contact them. Talk to them about the breed. It will give you much more advice than any encyclopedia. Dogs with PP meet the genetic prerequisites in terms of character and physicality. They are fostered. They are true members of their breed. If you buy a dog without PP, you are not sure of the breed's prerequisites or health predispositions. A dog without PP is always perceived as a "crossbreed", even though the owner claims that the puppy's parents were with PP. However, the owner either did not take the trouble to keep the dog (and violates the contractual terms and conditions of the club by breeding it) or his dog has a character or genetic defect that makes it impossible to let him into breeding and continue to spread his genes in the name of the breed.

Breeders most often respond to the demand for "cheap breeds". They produce quantities of puppies in unsuitable conditions, which they then sell as a specific breed for little money. Unfortunately, there are still people who buy such puppies. They pick them up from the breeder at gas stations, they don't see the puppy's parents at all, they don't worry that their dog doesn't have PP and they're happy to have their dream breed. But they no longer see that they have just financially supported the keeping of dogs in small cages with inadequate hygiene, where bitches usually give birth like on a treadmill until they are completely exhausted. For maximum profit for the owners. In the vast majority of cases, such a puppy will cost you much more at the vet than a genuine puppy of the breed with PP. And quite often a rat dog eventually grows into a Doberman.

Help the abandoned
If you no longer want a dog with PP, go to a shelter , where thousands of abandoned "crossbreeds"wait, who can surpass many human expectations with their gratitude. Shelter employees usually know their charges well and can advise you on which dog suits your lifestyle.

Whatever new companion you choose, if the beginnings are more difficult for you, don't hesitate to ask for help from the nearest dog trainer in your area. Sometimes it only takes a little to make your life together with your dog one hundred percent better, so it's better to entrust yourself to an expert. In the end, you too will become experts in dog training and temperament, and you will be able to dare the more complex breeds.

Tip: You can easily find most of the basic equipment for a four-legged member of the family with us ;)

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